The Histotorium

In the Histotorium, inquisitive children can explore history with the museum staff. We call them H, A and C: the Historian, the Archaeologist and the Conservator.
In special HISTO-METERS – quirky combinations of play machines and display cabinets – children can examine many exciting objects. Put on a white coat, play that you work at the museum, and learn lots about life in the olden days.

The Histotorium lies in a 200-year-old house with crooked doors and tiny parlours. The house is a fun, labyrinth-like tour in a quirky, playful scenery built in the finest materials.

The exhibition in detail

Little Worm – the museum’s mascot

In the Histotorium, small children can hunt for the museum’s mascot, Little Worm. He is hiding in ten small holes. Little Worm loves history and doing fun experiments that match the exhibition themes. Can you find Little Worm?

Play and adventures

The exhibition is subdivided into small rooms. Each has a theme and there are things to do and explore everywhere. What did people eat in the Stone Age? What can you learn from a medieval skeleton? Which tools did a flint smith use? H, A, and C are at hand to give extra facts and answer questions.

A chance to talk

In the Histotorium, we recommend that children are accompanied by adults – simply because the exhibition encourages you to engage in a dialogue. There are therefore no disturbing screens and digital elements. The house has a bright, pleasant atmosphere. There are no loud noises.